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35 archived articles  

Are You Inspiring Loyalty Among Your Employees?
 Dated: 12-09-2013

As a leader/boss, you must inspire loyalty among your employees, or you will face a constant drain of resources on training personnel who leave your organization too soon after their training on the job. Inspiring loyalty among your employees helps lower the chances that they leave your company for a better offer or use your company as a stepping stone to better pastures.

Are You an Ethical Employer – What Example Are You Setting?
 Dated: 11-25-2013

We live today in a world where people often try to get away with anything as long as it is making a profit. “This is business”, you might hear them say; or, “all is fair in love and war”. Very often ethics are sacrificed at the altar of profit. Some think that business generated by bending unwritten moral laws is okay because it makes a profit.

Leaders – It Takes 3 Things to Make a Great One
 Dated: 11-18-2013

A leader will always get more loyalty and productivity from his people (in this case, employees) than a boss. Hence, today the focus of most organizations is how to get bosses to work as leaders. This sounds difficult, but it is not. If you look closely, there are actually three aspects you need to focus on to emerge a leader and replace the boss attitude.

5 Tips to Make Staff Appraisals Build a Positive Attitude at Work
 Dated: 11-12-2013

Appraisals are meant to measure the effectiveness of employees in their jobs. They give both the employee and the employer a clear picture of what needs to be done to optimize productivity. Here are five tips you can use to ensure that you can use staff appraisals as excellent motivation tools to improve productivity at the workplace.

5 Strategies That Will Ensure Top Productivity from Your Employees
 Dated: 11-12-2013

To be successful in driving your company to achieve its goals and mission, you need to know how to keep the productivity levels at the optimum levels. As the boss, you should be able to make your employees give their best consistently. However, it is not as easy as it sounds. Here are 5 smart strategies that will help you optimize the productivity of your team:

7 Things You Need to Check When You Want to Hire New Personnel
 Dated: 11-12-2013

The recent recession has taught many employers how to work with a sparser workforce. Employers and employees alike have learned that more can be done with fewer people. If you are planning to hire, here is a checklist that will help you find the right candidate:

5 Simple Yet Effective Ways to Resolve Conflict at the Workplace
 Dated: 10-28-2013

As the manager, you will come across many employees who clash with one another so seriously that it impacts productivity. You need to intervene to ensure that you continue to get the best out of your employees. Here are a few tips that will help you when you face such situations:

Is Texting Affecting Productivity? 5 Tips to Handle It Right
 Dated: 10-22-2013

Most organizations have rules about personal phone calls, using the internet for personal purposes such as Facebook, personal emails, etc. Yet there is little in the rules and regulations about texting. Normally, texting is better than talking on the phone as it is less disruptive. However, if it is done in excess, it might affect productivity. Therefore, you need to find ways to keep it in balance. Here are a few tips to guide you in this task:

Conducting an Interview – Questions That You Should Ask
 Dated: 10-15-2013

Conducting an interview is not easy. It takes a lot of preparation to be able to ask the right questions and not to be intimidated by anyone who stares right back at you during an interview. Did you know that very often the interviewer is as apprehensive about the interview as the interviewee?

How to Be a Great Boss – 5 Tips to Win Over Your Team
 Dated: 09-30-2013

It is quite difficult to be the boss because the buck stops at you. It is even more difficult to be a great boss. Yet, unless you are one you will not be able to get the best out of your employees. The good news is that it is not as difficult as you would think. Here are 5 factors that will get you there:

When It Is Time to Fire a Problem Employee – 5 Signs That Say “NOW”
 Dated: 09-23-2013

Most employers do not want to fire someone, not only on humane grounds, but also because they have invested in them considerably both in terms of training and money to get an employee that will perfectly fit their needs. However, there are times when you should fire an employee or suffer unpleasant fallout. Here are a few signs that say it is time you let this employee go:

How to Attract the Right Candidate Online
 Dated: 09-16-2013

The virtual world can be very intimidating and vast to someone who does not know his way around. Just as job seekers are sometimes lost in a sea of job listings, recruiters sometimes find themselves at a loss when it comes to finding the right candidate. Very often, when they post a listing they are flooded by thousands of automatic alerts that match their listing to the available database – but very few match their requirements. How can you word a job listing so that you attract the right candidate?

Candidate is Overqualified – Should You Hire?
 Dated: 09-09-2013

These are troubled times and the employment market is not what it was used to be. Due to many companies cutting down on cost, there is a lot of exceptional talent "going cheap" today. Many recruiters are faced with the option of hiring overqualified candidates. Should you do it? Is an overqualified (and over-experienced) candidate good for your organization? There are advantages and disadvantages to this decision; let us look at both sides and find out whether this is an advantage or disadvantage.

You Can Increase Productivity on Your Floor – 4 Quick Steps
 Dated: 09-03-2013

Every company wants to be the best. In most cases, this is a matter of survival, because when you are not best, you are easily pushed out of the market and left to die. To be the best you need to increase the quality and quantity of productivity among your employees.

5 Perks That Will Keep Your Employees Motivated to Give Their Best
 Dated: 08-27-2013

What makes some companies so popular with their employees that they will give 100% to their job and never think of leaving? There are a few things that score very high with employees and keep them motivated and loyal for life. Here are a few perks that help keep employees motivated and loyal:

6 Tips to Ensure That Your Best Talent Is Retained
 Dated: 08-19-2013

Companies spend thousands of dollars in training their employees and providing them with the experience required to become valuable employees – and when it comes time to reap the benefits, the best talent quits, leaving you in the lurch. Now, you have to start from ground zero again – search for the person, train and orient him on the job and so on. This takes time, money and effort. How do you prevent such disasters?

Is Your Company Environment Friendly to Women? 4 Ways to Get There
 Dated: 08-12-2013

Women lead a tough life because they generally feel as responsible for maintaining and caring for their families as they do for their jobs and careers. That puts the women into the seat of working two jobs for life – one of which has no holidays or leave. As an employer of the 21st century you should strive to help women to give 100% to their jobs without sacrificing the quality time they spend with their family.

4 Tips to Ensure You Get the Best Out of Your Employees
 Dated: 08-05-2013

Some companies create such a welcome and productive environment that their employees never want to leave. Not only do they choose to stay with the company for life, but also are self-driven to put in their best efforts for their jobs. What are Google, SAS or CHG Healthcare Services doing to be able to attract, retain and sustain the best talent in the industry?

Interview Questions You Should Ask Candidates
 Dated: 07-29-2013

Finding new employees for your company isn’t always easy, especially when you’re getting hundreds or even thousands of applications. Asking the right questions will help you find the best candidates for whatever positions you are trying to fill. The latest trend is asking interviewees brain teaser questions that had nothing to do with the role they’re applying for. This is a waste of time and should be avoided altogether. Instead, you should focus on picking the applicant’s brain. According to an audit done by Google, there is no correlation between candidates answering brainteasers and how well they can perform a job. So it’s a horrible way to try and predict the candidate’s attributes. Instead, you should focus on behavioral questions and then evaluating the answers that you receive.

4 Great Ways to Retain Your Employees
 Dated: 07-22-2013

When it comes to growing your business successfully, it's all about who you hire and who you keep on board. There are multiple reasons why it's a good idea to retain your employees, rather than hiring new candidates. Back in 2013, more employers were taking the initiative to raise compensation for current employees (72% of employers) and new hires (47% of employers). Out of that number 70% of employers reported that increasing salaries was a good way to retain talented employees. Fifty-eight percent of employers said that increasing compensation lead to better benefits. Let's take a look at some of the other reasons why retaining your employees is a good idea and how you can retain them.

How to Make Your Recruiting More Competitive
 Dated: 07-12-2013

Making your company more appealing to prospects is important to gaining new recruits. Unfortunately, for some companies, this is more difficult because they may have a plain Jane atmosphere. Imagine how easy it is for entities like Google and Facebook to get new employees. If you don’t have a company culture that is exciting and fun, or at least somewhat appealing, then no one is going to want to apply to work for you. As a recruiter or hiring manager, it is up to you to sell the company so that recruiting is easier. In this sense, you will have to think a lot like a marketer.

Get Job Seekers to Notice Your Job Posting
 Dated: 07-18-2012

The objective of job postings is to attract the attention of job seekers. Like advertisements, they are meant to generate a response from target candidates. Job postings play a vital role in the recruitment process. It is not enough for a posting to address just the job description.

7 Mistakes to Avoid When Posting Jobs
 Dated: 07-18-2012

Today's market dynamics make it imperative for employers to grab the attention of jobseekers so that they are able to recruit the right talent for their organizations.

Five Things You Must Have in Every Job Posting
 Dated: 07-18-2012

Job boards are here to stay. Despite all the hype created by social media, job boards remain the most popular and sought after tool for hiring managers. Almost anyone in job search mode is most likely to use a job site first when looking for a job. However, that definitely does not mean that your jobs will always be noticed by everyone looking for jobs. You need to make an effort to ensure that your job postings are written in a manner that will ensure they stand out in a crowd. Here are five things you must have in every job posting if you want it to stand out to the right job seekers.

How to Get Better Results from Each Job Posting
 Dated: 07-18-2012

It is very important to evaluate the returns you are getting from your job postings. If you are not satisfied, you need to change your strategy. Keep the following points in mind when you are evaluating your job postings.

Do Job Titles Affect Career Choices?
 Dated: 07-18-2012

Experts affirm that job titles considerably affect career development choices. HR managers and recruiters are influenced by this notion and propose job titles or higher pay. Employers should pay attention to the following points when coming up with job titles.

Get Your Job Descriptions to Give You the Desired Results
 Dated: 07-18-2012

If you want your job listings to get you good returns on your investment, think like a job seeker. As an applicant, what would you want to see in a job listing? Reacting correctly to this question will help you get good results.

How to Finance Your Small Business Start Up
 Dated: 07-18-2012

It all starts with a great idea, an idea that has probably been in your mind for a long time. You have the product sorted out, how you are going to deliver your service, where you are going to set up your office and how you are going to market your new business. But the stumbling block always seems to be the finance to get you going.

Avoiding a Financial Crisis: How to Keep Your Small Business Alive
 Dated: 07-18-2012

Having a superb product, soaring sales and stupendous customer service are undoubtedly some of the things which go into making a successful business. But all of this is irrelevant if you suffer a financial crisis. Without a sound and stable financial position the slightest shock can be enough to send your business crashing to the ground.

5 Tips for Drafting Better Employee Performance Reviews
 Dated: 07-18-2012

Preparing employee reviews is an art and provides an insight into the employer's level of skill in workforce management.

5 Reasons Why Team Building Exercises Fail
 Dated: 07-18-2012

Team building exercises are poised to be productive activities that can generate a sense of empathy and positivity inside the team. They are supposed to break the barrier amid the employees and facilitate them to be familiar with each other for better solidarity in the office. Still, these activities may end up not helping the company in the long run unless they are done right.

Why is your job really stressful?
 Dated: 07-17-2012

In my survey conducted few weeks back I realized a very crucial fact pertaining to professional career. A common question ''Is your job really stressful?'' was the theme of the survey.

Achieving Work-life Balance
 Dated: 07-17-2012

Balance. It's a nice word but the reality is hard to pin down. It may not even put us on the right track in our 21st century quest for fulfillment and happiness. In this article we will talk about the integration of work and family life, beginning not with the workplace and the employer's role in sorting things out, but with the person and her priorities.

Turn HR Stratagem Unvarying with Trends
 Dated: 07-17-2012

The job market gets highly influenced by new trends and scenarios – e.g. political, social, economical, technological etc. It is therefore required that employers and recruiters weave strategies to negate the effects of negative trends and turn them in favor of the business course.

The Dynamics of Internal Recruitments
 Dated: 07-17-2012

Almost all businesses hold the impression that it possesses the optimal set of people who hold just the right skills to conclude their tasks. So, many internal job positions are endorsed and advertised internally through staff notice boards, intranets, internal magazines, internal staff meetings etc.

35 archived articles  

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