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Employer Articles

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What Is Cost Per Hire and How to Measure It

Summary: Learn how to calculate your cost per hire and why this is an important data point to know for your company.

Landing the Ideal Employee - What Today's Job Seeker Wants

Summary: Find out what job seekers are really looking for and how you can attract the best candidates to your company in this article.

Why You Should Always Do Employee Background Checks

Summary: Some companies are hesitant to do background checks on potential employees due to potential cost or privacy issues. Don’t make this mistake in your company.

Top 10 Things College Students and Recent College Graduates Are Looking for in an Offer

Summary: Understanding what college students and recent graduates want will give you a much better chance of hiring them.

Turn HR Stratagem Unvarying with Trends

The job market gets highly influenced by new trends and scenarios – e.g. political, social, economical, technological etc. It is therefore required that employers and recruiters weave strategies to negate the effects of negative trends and turn them in favor of the business course.

The Dynamics of Internal Recruitments

Almost all businesses hold the impression that it possesses the optimal set of people who hold just the right skills to conclude their tasks. So, many internal job positions are endorsed and advertised internally through staff notice boards, intranets, internal magazines, internal staff meetings etc.